Vancouver residents support alternatives for Langara Golf Course

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Vancouver, B.C. (Jul 31, 2012) – A majority of Vancouver residents agrees that part of Langara Golf Course should be “repurposed” as park space or affordable housing.

Use of part of Langara Golf Course solely as park space garners support from 19% of Vancouver residents. Similarly affordable housing is the preferred use for 21%. One-quarter (26%) would approve of either (or both) options.

Pockets of opposition

One-quarter (26%) of Vancouver residents do not support any repurposing of Langara Golf Course. Opposition is highest among men (at 34%) and residents aged 65 and older (39%). West side residents also are more likely opponents to changes at Langara Golf Course (34%).

The poll finds higher opposition among Non-partisan Association (NPA) than among Vision and Green supporters (43% versus 20% and 30% respectively).

Yet even among these groups (men, older residents and NPA supporters) the poll finds higher approval than disapproval.


Research Notes

These are the findings of a Justason Market Intelligence online poll of 413 adult residents of the City of Vancouver. The research relied on Justason’s online panel. Data in this non-probability sample were weighted to match the regional distributions and demographic characteristics (age and sex) of the City according to the most recent census.

  • Dates of research: Jul 13 to 19, 2012
  • Sample: 413 Vancouver City adults 18 years and older
  • Methodology: Online
  • Margin of error: An unweighted probability sample of 413 reports a margin of error of ±4.8 percentage points, 95% of the time
  • Research Sponsors:  Justason Market Intelligence

For more information contact:

Barb Justason, Principal
Justason Market Intelligence
+1 604 783 4165  |  +1 646 875 4949
Email: B
twitter: barbjustason

1055 W Georgia St, Suite 2429
Vancouver, BC Canada
V6E 3P3

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