Support for Vision Vancouver remains strong

Post Date


Vancouver B.C. (July 26, 2012) – A July 2012 survey of Vancouver residents by Justason Market Intelligence finds support for governing Vision Vancouver stands at 47%, slightly higher than levels recorded prior to the November 2011 municipal election. Non-partisan Association (NPA) and Green  each garner support from 21% of decided municipal voters. NPA is now at its lowest level since the firm began tracking support two years ago.


The same poll finds that residents’ top issue of concern for Vancouver is the high cost of high living (29%) followed by housing affordability (21%).



Research Notes

These are the findings of a Justason Market Intelligence online poll of 413 adult residents of the City of Vancouver. The research relied on Justason’s online panel. Data in this non-probability sample were weighted to match the regional distributions and demographic characteristics (age and sex) of the City according to the most recent census.

  • Dates of research: Jul 13 to 19, 2012
  • Sample: 413 Vancouver City adults 18 years and older
  • Methodology: Online
  • Margin of error: An unweighted probability sample of 413 reports a margin of error of ±4.8 percentage points, 95% of the time
  • Research Sponsor:  Justason Market Intelligence


For more information contact:

Barb Justason, Principal
Justason Market Intelligence
+1 604 783 4165  |  +1 646 875 4949
Email: B
twitter: barbjustason

1055 W Georgia St, Suite 2429
Vancouver, BC Canada
V6E 3P3

Phone: +1 604 783 4165