Metro Vancouver residents satisfied with their communities’ economy despite North American slowdown, European debt crisis, new poll finds
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Vancouver BC (Nov 7, 2011) – Justason Market Intelligence survey also finds most Metro Vancouverites are satisfied with their overall quality of life and natural environment
A strong majority of Metro Vancouver residents report they are satisfied with the economy in their communities, despite North American and world economic uncertainty, a poll conducted by Vancouver-based Justason Market Intelligence reveals.
The survey of 947 Metro Vancouver residents, commissioned by Vancouver-based Junxion Strategy Inc., an international environmental and social sustainability consulting firm, finds 77 per cent are satisfied with the economy in their community overall, while just 23 per cent are dissatisfied. In the City of Vancouver, 64 per cent are satisfied, with 36 per cent dissatisfied, while Surrey reports an even higher rate of satisfaction at 77 per cent. In the rest of Metro Vancouver, excluding Surrey and the City of Vancouver, fully 83 per cent are satisfied.
For interviews with Barb Justason or Peter ter Weeme, contact:
Ann Gibbon 604 263 0634 778 999 0064