Trust in Vancouver’s municipal organizations varies

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Vancouver, BC (May 24, 2011) – An April/May survey of Vancouver residents by JustasonMarket Intelligence finds that Vancouver residents’ trust in their municipal organizations varies from 50% to 69%.

Residents assign their highest trust score (69%) to the Vancouver Police Department. The ParkBoard is close behind at 64%. Vancouver’s municipal government and school board are trusted by 55% and 50% respectively.

The survey also finds that residents over 65 years are more likely than younger groups to trust the police department and the municipal council; men are more likely than women to trust the school board.

Justason Market Intelligence is a Vancouver-based market and opinion research firm.


Research Notes:

  • Dates of research: April 26 – May 11, 2011.
  • Methodology: A telephone-online hybrid of 582 surveys combining 420 randomly selected telephone interviews with 162 randomly selected JMI online panelists.
  • Margin of error: ±4.8 percentage points 19 in 20 times.
  • Research Sponsor: Justason Market Intelligence

For more information please contact:

Barb Justason, Principal
Justason Market Intelligence
1156 Hornby Street Vancouver, BC V6Z1V8
Direct: +1 604 689 5511 Mobile: +1 604 783 4165
twitter: barbjustason
Facebook: Justason Market Intelligence

Photo Credit: sillygwailo

1055 W Georgia St, Suite 2429
Vancouver, BC Canada
V6E 3P3

Phone: +1 604 783 4165