BIV examines employment satisfaction among millennials in Metro Vancouver
Vancouver, B.C. – June 27, 2018
Peter ter Weeme, Executive Vice President, Purpose and Brand Citizenship for Elevator Strategy, joins the Business in Vancouver (BIV) podcast to discuss some surprising findings from a Justason Market Intelligence survey about employment satisfaction among millennials in Metro Vancouver. Peter’s interview begins at 12:00.

About Elevator Strategy
Elevator Strategy is a full-service, Canadian-owned, purpose-driven communications firm at the epicentre of Vancouver’s thriving, digital technology hub. Elevator uses proven communication and training techniques along with emerging technologies to cultivate and propel the higher purpose of clients.

About Justason Market Intelligence Inc.
Justason Market Intelligence Inc. is a Vancouver-based market and social research firm asking the right people the right questions and delivering epiphanies. Justason offers the complete range of survey research and qualitative methodologies, all with personal service only possible with a boutique firm. The firm owns and operates Vancouver Focus®.