Trans-Mountain Pipeline expansion review should be halted, British Columbians say
Vancouver B.C. (7 Dec 2015) – Most British Columbia residents (63%) are aware that Prime Minister Trudeau promised to launch an immediate public review of the environmental assessment process, including the National Energy Board.
Regionally, awareness is highest among residents of the Sunshine Coast (75%), Metro Vancouver and Victoria Capital Region (66% each).
Most B.C. residents (68%) agree that the assessment of the Kinder Morgan expanded pipeline and tanker proposal should be halted until Trudeau’s promised review of Canada’s environmental assessment process is complete.
This sentiment is entrenched, with the largest proportion of residents agreeing “strongly”. Notably, B.C. residents are four times more likely to strongly agree than strongly disagree (42% versus 10%).
Agreement that the review should be halted comes from all parts of the province. Regardless of region, a majority of BC residents favours a delay of the review of the Trans-Mountain Pipeline proposal.
Research Notes
These are the findings of a Justason Market Intelligence Inc. survey of 1,048 adult residents of British Columbia.- Dates of research: November 25 to 29, 2015.
- Sample: 1,048 B.C. adults 18 years and older including regional oversamples.
- Methodology: Online / telephone touch-tone hybrid.
- Weighting: Final data were weighted to actual regional, gender, and age distributions according to the most recent census. After weighting, the final data set equates to a province-wide sample of 500.
- Margin of error: A probability sample of 500 reports at ±4.4 percentage points most (95 per cent) of the time. Subgroups such as region, age, and gender populations carry wider margins of error.
- Research Sponsor: Georgia Strait Alliance.
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