Will Vancouver voters support Robertson for a third term?

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Vancouver B.C. (15 Feb 2014) – If a strong mayoral candidate declares him or herself in the coming months, Vision Vancouver mayor Gregor Robertson may face some meaningful competition for his job.

With municipal elections about nine months away, a January 2014 survey of Vancouver residents by Justason Market Intelligence finds the largest number of decided voters would support a candidate other than mayor Gregor Robertson (56%). About 44 per cent would support Gregor Robertson.


Which party could hold a majority in City Council?

The poll suggests the mayor ultimately elected in November will govern alongside a Vision Vancouver majority in City Council.

Following some high profile departures from COPE, support for Vision Vancouver has increased directionally to 43 per cent. Support for the Green Party has increased five points to 23 per cent, overtaking the Non-partisan Association (NPA), whose base support level is relatively unchanged at 20 per cent.

Notably, the Green position assumes the party will run a larger roster of council candidates. Otherwise, current numbers suggest NPA, who continue to maintain a steady support base, should retain their “official opposition” status.




Four major parties expect to have candidates in Vancouver’s 2014 municipal election. Which party will receive most of your votes for City Council?

Vision Vancouver, currently led by Mayor Gregor Robertson and a majority in City Council
NPA (Non-partisan Association), with current councillors George Affleck and Elizabeth Ball
Green Party, with current councillor Adrian Carr
COPE (Coalition of Progressive Electors)
Another party
Note: Response categories (excluding “another party” are randomized.

Now, thinking specifically about this year’s race for mayor, if Mayor Gregor Robertson decides to run for a third term, will you:

Definitely support Mayor Gregor Robertson of Vision Vancouver
Probably support Mayor Gregor Robertson of Vision Vancouver
Definitely support another candidate for mayor
Probably support another candidate for mayor



Research Notes

These are the findings of a Justason Market Intelligence Inc. online poll of 357 decided voters among 481 adult residents of the City of Vancouver. Justason’s online panel was the sample source. Data in this non-probability sample were weighted to match the regional distributions and demographic characteristics (age and sex) of the City according to the most recent census.

  • Dates of research: Jan 27 to 31, 2014
  • Sample: n=481 City of Vancouver residents 18 years and older
  • Decided voters: n=357
  • Methodology: Online among the pollster’s panelists
  • Research Sponsor:  Justason Market Intelligence Inc.


For more information contact:

Barb Justason, Principal
Justason Market Intelligence Inc.
Direct: +1 604 783 4165
Email: Barb@JustasonMI.com
twitter: barbjustason

1055 W Georgia St, Suite 2429
Vancouver, BC Canada
V6E 3P3

Phone: +1 604 783 4165