Opposition to supertankers in BC’s inside coastal waters continues
Vancouver B.C. (5 February 2014) – A nearly two-thirds majority (64%) of B.C. residents oppose routing large crude oil carriers (or supertankers) through B.C.’s inside coastal waters according the most recent poll from Justason Market Intelligence. Opposition is down only marginally since February 2013 (when 67% opposed). Half of BC residents continue to “strongly” oppose. BC residents’ strong opposition has not dipped below 50% since the firm began tracking this issue in March 2012.
Support for Enbridge’s pipelines and tanker plan has grown to 29%, from 24% in February 2013. Currently, 12% “strongly” support.
The overwhelming majority (92%) of B.C. residents is aware of Enbridge’s Northern Gateway pipelines and tanker proposal to transport crude oil by pipeline from Alberta and crude oil carrier through B.C.’s inside coastal waters to refineries in Asia. Awareness has grown steadily since March 2012 when just over three-quarters of BCers were aware (78%).
Research Notes
These are the findings of a Justason Market Intelligence poll of 600 adult British Columbians. The final weighted data set matches the regional distributions and demographic characteristics of British Columbia according to the most recent census.
- Dates of research: 13-19 January, 2014
- Sample: 600 BC adults 18 years and older
- Methodology: Telephone-online hybrid
- Research Sponsors: Dogwood Initiative, ForestEthics Advocacy, Friends of Wild Salmon and West Coast Environmental Law
For more information contact:
Barb Justason, Principal
Justason Market Intelligence Inc.
1156 Hornby Street Vancouver, BC V6Z1V8
Direct: +1 604 783 4165
Email: Barb@JustasonMI.com
web: JustasonMI.com
twitter: barbjustason