Housing affordability tops Vancouverites concerns
Vancouver B.C. (29 Sep 2013) – A little more than a year away from municipal elections around British Columbia, Vancouver residents have identified housing affordability as a top concern and, hence, a potential election issue for 2014.
But Vancouverites may be unconvinced about their municipal government’s ability to effectively address their concerns.
Vancouver residents are increasingly dissatisfied with Gregor Robertson’s performance as mayor. Currently, 43% approve, while 36% disapprove, the highest disapproval level the pollsters have recorded. One-in-five residents strongly disapprove (20%), while half that number strongly approve (9%).
The same poll finds a slim majority of decided municipal voters (55%) feel they will not support Gregor Robertson for a third term as mayor in 2014. One-third (32%) believe they will definitely support another candidate. Just under half (45%) believe they will support the mayor for a third term. Just 14% are definite in their intent. Support for a Vision council is also on the decline.
Research Notes
These are the findings of a Justason Market Intelligence Inc. online poll of 542 adult residents of the City of Vancouver. Justason’s online panel was the sample source. Data in this non-probability sample were weighted to match the regional distributions and demographic characteristics (age and sex) of the City according to the most recent census.
- Dates of research: Sep 13 to 16, 2013
- Sample: 542 Vancouver City adults 18 years and older
- Methodology: Online
- Margin of error: An unweighted probability sample of 542 reports a margin of error of ±4.2 percentage points, 95% of the time.
- Research Sponsor: Justason Market Intelligence Inc.
For more information contact:
Barb Justason, Principal Justason Market Intelligence Inc.Direct: +1 604 783 4165
Email: Barb@JustasonMI.com
web: JustasonMI.com twitter: barbjustason skype: Barb.Justason